The Wandering Lion
Visit my blog.

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I have a blog. I don't know why I blog. Why does anyone blog? Because they can, I suppose. Most of us would like to have others “pay attention” to what we’re thinking about or what opinions we hold. I like to think of my blogs as a way of helping others. So while I may express some strong opinions, I do so in an attempt to help others avoid some of the pitfalls I have encountered on my way to figuring things out.

Wandering Chicago Arts and Culture

What follows are the teasers for my most recent blog entries. You can see that I tend to be erratic in my blogging behavior. That’s because blogging is not one of my primary activities. When I have time, I blog. If other matters are more pressing, I take care of business first.

I blog mostly about arts and performances I have attended. Sometimes I blog about arts management. Rarely, I venture off into some other place and just blog.

Most Recent Blog Entries